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Max Mueller Bhavan | India Mumbai

State of Nature | Lecture
Poetry, Ecology, Intimacy - A reading and conversation with Forrest Gander

Forrest Gardner Lecture 2022
© Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Mumbai

Library MMB

What many of us learned in school about lichen— that it’s an indicator species for pollution (litmus, in fact, is derived from lichen), and that it’s the synergistic alliance of a fungus and algae or cyanobacteria— is largely true, but simplified. If lichen ecology has more to do with collaboration than competition, it’s nevertheless true that collaboration is transformative. With lichen, which some scientists argue may be more related to animals than plants, the original organisms are changed utterly in their compact. They can’t return to what they were. And according to Anne Pringle, one of the leading contemporary mycologists (with whom I had the lucky opportunity to collaborate), it may be that lichen do not, given sufficient nutrients, age.

Anne and other contemporary biologists are saying that our sense of the inevitability of death may be determined by our mammalian orientation. Perhaps some forms of life have “theoretical immortality.” Lichen can reproduce asexually, and when they do, bits of both partners are dispersed together to establish in a new habitat. How long can the partners of a lineage continue to reproduce? No one knows. The thought of two things that merge, mutually altering each other, two things that, intermingled and interactive, become one thing that does not age, brings me to think of the nature of intimacy. Isn’t it often in our most intimate relations that we come to realize that our identity, all identity, is combinatory? 

About the Speaker

Forrest Gander © © Forrest Gander Forrest Gander © Forrest Gander
Forrest Gander, a writer and translator with degrees in geology and literature, was born in the Mojave Desert. Awarded the Pulitzer Prize, the Best Translated Book Award, and fellowships from the Guggenheim, Whiting and United States Artists foundations, Gander has most recently published Twice Alive: An Ecology of Intimacies(with an essay by N. Manu Chakravarthy). Gander, who taught at Harvard and Brown University, translates books by poets from Spain, Latin America, and Japan. He is married to the artist Ashwini Bhat.

Forrest Gander will deliver the lecture from Library MMB.

Video recording:
Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Mumbai
Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Mumbai


Library MMB

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