Sound event
Indo-Nippon-Deutsch Computer Music

IND-Computer Music
© The Indian Sonic Research Organisation

Presented by bangaloREsidency host and long-standing partner The I.S.R.O.

The Courtyard Bangalore

The Indian Sonic Research Organisation presents an exciting sound event: Indo-Nippon-Deutsch Computer Music, featuring artists from Germany, Japan and India:

 - Carlos Andrés Rico - current bangaloREsident@Maraa, Bangalore

 - Hemant Sk - next bangaloREsident-Expanded@Experimental Radio, Munich

 - The I.S.R.O. - bangaloREsidency host

 - Shun Owada

This edition of COMPUTER MUSIC at The Courtyard stretches the definition and boundaries of computer music. An exciting session with misbehaving algorithms, code programmed in real time and electronic artifacts that have been abused and misused to produce music.
The bangaloREsidency, a Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan initiative, is proud to showcase artists that have made Bangalore one of the most vibrant centres for experimental and electronic music.

Artist profiles:

IND - Carlos Andrés Rico © © Carlos Andrés Rico IND - Carlos Andrés Rico © Carlos Andrés Rico

With his music interventions, Carlos Andrés  Rico transforms daily sounds, places and interactions into art by constructing a new soundscape, a new territory which results from the symbiosis between music, performance and the city. Carlos Andrés Rico is currently bangaloREsident@Maraa.

IND - Hemant Sk © © Hemant Sk IND - Hemant Sk © Hemant Sk
Hemant Sk is a Bangalore-based live noise performance act that uses psycho-acoustics to explore the machine in the ghost. Using custom algorithms and live coding the performances evoke sensations of a data exorcism. Hemant Sk will be the next bangaloREsident-Expanded@Experimental Radio in Munich.

The Indian Sonic Research Organisation is a Bangalore-based collective of instrument
IND - ISRO © Foto: A. Dhariwala © The Indian Sonic Research Organisation IND - ISRO Foto: A. Dhariwala © The Indian Sonic Research Organisation
builders. They perform with homemade instruments and operate a community laboratory for electronic and experimental music in Bangalore. Their pedagogical interventions in the form of workshops have won them numerous accolades and awards. Besides performing regularly in Bangalore, they have performed at venues in Germany, Switzerland, Japan, South East Asia and North America. Artists working at ISRO are the recipients of numerous international awards for art, sound and technology. ISRO operates a 3D sound studio and is also a bangaloREsidency host.

IND - Shun Owada © © Shun Owada IND - Shun Owada © Shun Owada
Born in 1985, Shun Owada is a Tokyo-based sound artist. Having an interest in physical/physiological aspects of sound, he explores the relationship between sound and perception of (living) things. His works vary from live improvisation using computers to sound installation. He is in India for a 1-year residency under a Pola Art Foundation fellowship.

Organised by The Indian Sonic Research Organisation with support from the Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan and Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology.


The Courtyard Bangalore

105, KH Road (Lalbagh Double Rd Opp. Corporation Bank), Shanti Nagar


Price: Rs. 300