Surjit Nongmeikapam: To-POSTPONED

March dance
© Goethe-Institut Chennai


Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Auditorium

Conversation with Surjit Nongmeikapam
27 March 2020        5 pm               Goethe-Institut Library
Performance ‘To’
29 March 2020        7 pm               Goethe-Institut Auditorium
The work

Does an address define who we are or a dress that we simply wear? The way we move, eat,
talk or shout?
The toolof identity serves more than a few but isn’t it limiting to expect a certain behavior, accent, style or look?

An individual goes through various experiences that are different from others.
The food he ate, the people he met, the places he travelled, events he witnessed, memories he

All these factors would surely add up to the experiences of an individual.
So, isn’t one’s true identity the embodiment of the experiences that one has lived through and
how it has come to being?

Therefore one's views and expressions need not concur with others’ expectations or views.
We are expected to always walk, talk, eat and move in typical ways but even those
expectations come from experiences.

One may be born into a culture but his or her identity should not be limited by it.

The idea is to explore and imbibe one’s experiences and express what one truly desires.
The artist won’t be his true self if certain expected cultural behavior or look is imposed or
forced upon his expression.

‘To’ carries the very same questions of identity that one expects from an individual and is a
manifestation of the same.
In March Dance 2020, 'To' will be performed by Surjit Nongmeikapam with Suresh Khundrakpam on tech.
Artist’s bio

Surjit Nongmeikapam (Bonbon) is a choreographer, dancer, movement teacher and performance artist. He finished his Bachelors degree in Choreography from Natya Institute of Kathak and Choreography, Bangalore. He is trained in classical/ traditional, Indian martial arts, contemporary dance and movement.
Surjit started dancing and choreographing professionally in 2004 and since then he hasn't looked back.
Research collaboration/Program and Stage Management: Suresh Kiran Kh (Tomba)
Title Designer/Content: Rahul Laishram
Music: Sunil Loitonbgbam, Marcel Zaes and Nawahineokala'e lanzilotti
Video Editor: Akee Sorokhaibam
Rehearsal Dancer: Waikhom Biken Meetei

Supported by:
• Kaserne Basel.
• Centre chorégraphique national de Grenoble.
• Pro helvetia, New Delhi-Swiss art council.
• Prakriti Foundation.
• Nachom Arts Foundation.
Special thanks to:
• Shanker Mutum
• Sandro Lunin
• Akshay Pathak
• Claire Vernlet
• Yumpham Studio
• Tha Tha Thabungton (source: Aribam Syam Sharma Archives, YouTube)


Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Auditorium

No.4 5th Street, Rutland Gate
600 006

Price: Donor Passes for 200/- @ Venue | Pre-booking via SMS @ 9962486721

0091 2833 1314 / 2343
Part of series March Dance IV 2020