
Ulrike Draesner

Shahnaz Munni © Goethe-Institut
Shahnaz Munni © Goethe-Institut
Foto: Goethe-Institut / Andrea Fernandes
Foto: Goethe-Institut / Andrea Fernandes

Foto: Goethe-Institut / Andrea Fernandes
Ulrike Draesner was born in 1962 in Munich. She studied German, English and Philosophy in Munich and Oxford. She obtained her PhD in 1992 with her thesis on Wolfram's Parzival. She started writing in 1993 and lives in Berlin as a freelance writer, translator and literature critic. She has received numerous awards for her essays, various volumes of poetry and novels.


rohling /
ઘડતર / कोन कार्डबोर्डचा (पहिला दिवस शाळेचा) / पेपरकोन (शाळेचा पहिला दिवस)

tod einer maus /
ઉંદરનું મોત / एका उंदराचा मृत्यू

traumel der trennung /
આ લડખડવું , વિખૂટા પડતાં

what is poetry? /
કવિતા શું છે ? / कविता म्हणजे काय ? / काय असते कविता?