
Tom Schulz

Tom Schulz
Tom Schulz

Photo: Goethe-Institut / Vivek Muthuramalingam
Tom Schulz is a German author and translator. He was born on August 18, 1970 in Großröhrsdorf.

Tom Schulz grew up in East Berlin. Since 2002 he works as a freelance author. Before that he earned his living doing diverse jobs in the construction industry. Since 2008, he also works as a lecturer for Kreatives Schreiben (Creative Writing) and as Head of the Poetry Workshop open poems at the Literaturwerkstatt. Schulz has published his texts in several magazines and anthologies. Additionally, Schulz is active as a translator for Spanish, American and Dutch poets and also as an editor. Lastly, he works for the Kneipenbuchreihe at Berliner Taschenbuchverlag (Berlin Paper Books Publishers).


Alter Schulweg /
పాత స్కూలు తోవ / اسکول کا وه پرانا رستہ

An einem heißen Juli-Tag /
On a Hot Day in July / మండువేసవి లో ఒకరోజు / شدت کی گرمی جولائی کا ایک دن

Mantra /
Mantra / మంత్రము / منتر

Praga, danach /
Praga, After / ప్రాగా నుంచి వచ్చాకా.... / پرگا بعد میں پهر

Vom Zugrundegehen /
Of Going to Ground