Salwa Al-Atwany
Shine to Design

Shine to Design Goethe Institut - Jordan © Dima Mosleh

Shine to Design is a training program with 16 training sessions on the basics of fashion design, for 10 children in Sana’a, with the aim of providing them with new skills and increasing their self-confidence.

The project aims at providing children with basic skills in fashion design and increasing their self-confidence, enabling them to express themselves in front of others, reducing their risks of dangers and allowing them to deliver messages to society stating the relevance of fashion design.

Salwa Mohammed © © Goethe Institut - Jordan Salwa Mohammed © Goethe Institut - Jordan
Salwa Al-Atwany is a fashion designer, trainer, and lecturer. She started her career as a fashion designer in 2015, and since then has designed a number of modern Abayas, unique wedding dresses, and dazzling evening gowns, as well as children's clothing, seasonal collections, fantasy designs, and more. During her studies, she gained additional practical experiences in a clothes' factory as well as fashion design studios. Salwa has worked as a trainer and lecturer for students of the Fashion Design Department at Sana'a Community College for more than four years.  
In 2020, Salwa got awarded for designing and implementing a project entitled Late Autumn which included designing a collection of modern autumn fashion. This Bachelor project got awarded best applied academic and professional project in fashion design at Sana’a Community College. Moreover, she coordinated and held three exhibitions for the Fashion Design Department to present the training outputs of her students in front of a delegation from the Ministry of Technical Education. She got an artistic training in portrait painting from the Basement Cultural Foundation in Sana’a in 2018. She participated with a painting in the closing exhibition of the session, in the presence of a number of artists and cultural stakeholders.

Favourite Moment
"Teaching a workshop on the basics of fashion design may be something quite normal. However, conducting such a workshop with young girls, the majority of whom have never dealt with colors or textiles before, is something completely different. Seeing the results of what I have shown them, drawings of distinctive dresses and superbly embroidered collars, this made me really proud. Everything I taught them, I did with love. And yes, that was my favorite moment from all the stages of the project."
