
​In 1969 Josef Beuys made installation "Das Rudel" ("The Pack") which consists of a string of wooden sleds and old Volkswagen van. Each of the 24 pairs of sleds carries a rolled-up felt plaid, a piece of melted animal fat and a lantern. A felt blanket and a felt suit hanging from the ceiling complete the composition. All these stuff were symbol of "survival kit" for extreme situation: a sled, felt, fat and a light source are enough to escape the cold and not to die in the frost. But what kind of survival kit would offer artists today in conditions of global warming, pandemic and big games?

It is obvious of necessity of solidarity today and artists with their intuition and imagination, often mentioned by Josef Beuys, play inspirational role in critical thinking in their society. It is important of constant rethinking of conventional “truth” provided by neo-liberal system and patriarchal society. Our further experience of interaction with the independent platform of Bishkek School of Contemporary Art is a laboratory of rethinking and actions. Together with artists who have various backgrounds as green activists, feminists, and Marxists it is ongoing process of artistic imagination, interaction, awareness and reflections on Soviet legacy, women emancipation, eco inequality, environmental pollution, deforestation, bio diversity, food production and food sharing.