Amplitudes of Dawn

Amplitudes of Dawn
© Amplitudes of Dawn



When white noise and static supersedes the talk of the town, the talk at bus stops, the talk at newspaper vendors, when this noise becomes our collective amnesia, becomes the silence of towns, even when we are shouting at such unimaginable decibels, when there has not been an opposition these sides of the world, when there are no more acts of daring idealism, such a thing even laughable, what else is left? When idealism, when found, exists in very small spaces?

AOD 1 © Goethe-Institut Nairobi © Humphrey Gateri AOD 1 Goethe-Institut Nairobi © Humphrey Gateri
Amplitudes of Dawn is keen on imagining a future where this might/may/could’ve happened.
From silence into static and through the coup announcement and Bob Marley and Jimmy Cliff playing on a loop Amplitudes of Dawn seeks to occupy this space. Using installation, sound explorations and performance in both in-person and online formats, the project is an attempt at creating a new temporality and to imagine other forms and possibilities of being, what could have been. We invite peers, friends, enemies, intellectuals, poets, to all imagine with us.

AOD 2 © Goethe-Institut Nairobi © Humphrey Gateri AOD 2 Goethe-Institut Nairobi © Humphrey Gateri
In a time of enclosure and receding freedoms, what does it mean to occupy eight hours of an uncertain coup forty years to the date? How does the power of sound, in its various forms and distortions, ground or unmoor us to refuse the present conditions and imagine a new world?




Price: Free
