Talk The loneliness crisis

The loneliness crisis © yunakimc

Thu, 04.07.2024

7:00 PM

Goethe-Institut Seoul

Lucky Supper Club

The "Lucky Supper Club" is once again inviting people to come together in a cozy atmosphere, share a meal, exchange ideas, and discuss different perspectives.

At the "Lucky Supper Club", guests share their thoughts, experiences, and perspectives on important social issues. They may have common interests or very different experiences. The audience is always welcome to join the discussion and ask questions.

The second club evening in 2024 will focus on the phenomenon of loneliness. Loneliness is increasingly recognized as a major social problem in many countries, and the pandemic has further intensified feelings of isolation and loneliness across generations. How can we confront this crisis and reconnect with each other? Are there perhaps also positive aspects to loneliness in a world hyper-connected through social media?

Sawol Kim and Hyesoo Park have been invited to share their personal experiences with loneliness and how they have coped with it.

Sawol Kim is a singer-songwriter known for capturing the ups and downs of life in her songs. Her fourth album, "Default," was released this year and features a mix of atmospheric melodies and hopeful lyrics.

Hyesoo Park is a visual artist who explores the life of the average person in a competitive society and focuses on mental health. Her exhibition "Monophobia - Fear of Loneliness" delves into this very topic.

The discussion will be led by Shinsik Kim, an author, researcher, and critical analyst of current conflicts in Korean society, with a particular focus on the sociology of emotions. This event is part of the "Lucky Supper Club" series.
• The entrance fee is KRW 10,000. Please note that registration is binding. Registration is required to attend the event.
