Coming to Germany to Study

PASCH – Coming to Germany to Study  © © Goethe-Institut PASCH – Coming to Germany to Study © Goethe-Institut

What comes next after school? In 2016, the Goethe-Institut Lebanon initiated an information and qualification programme covering all aspects of studying in Germany for students at PASCH schools. It covers everything from offering advice on where to study, which university to study at or which courses to choose, to providing extra German lessons and teaching the fundamentals of academic writing, all the way to answering questions on how to finance studying in Germany.

In cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Embassy, the PASCH schools hold regular information events for students in their 10th year and over. These orientation sessions provide students and their parents with answers to some of their initial questions.  
  • What courses are available?
  • How good does my German need to be so I can study in Germany?
  • What is the procedure for applying to universities?  
  • Which visa do I need to study in Germany?
Interested German students can apply for a spot at one of the Goethe-Institut’s career days at the end of these orientation sessions. Here, an experienced coach helps the students assess their strengths and weaknesses and gauge the feasibility of their dream jobs. 

The qualification programme is rounded off in a third step with a workshop on choosing what and where to study, as well as a consultation on how to finance studying in Germany. After completing the workshop, Alphonse realised that studying at a technical university in a smaller town would be ideal for his specific career goals, rather than studying at a top university that he and his friends had googled the evening before:  “The comparatively lower cost of living is also much better for my budget”, he added with a smile. “That way, I won’t have to get a part-time job and can fully focus on my studies, and I’ll have enough time to make German friends.” 

In July and August, the Study Bridge programme was rounded off with a German course, for which the ambitious participants in their 11th school year sacrificed their summer holidays. But it was worth it! Besides acquiring the German certificate needed to apply to a German university, the 12 PASCH students had learnt the basics of academic writing – all the while setting Goethe’s Erlkönig to music!

Now there’s nothing to stop them studying in Germany! 
