Annual Report 2024
Borneo Perantis

The year 2024 marked the inaugural year of Borneo Perantis. The primary objectives were to define the initiative’s core values, initiate historical research on Borneo, and disseminate creative and digital content to make credible research findings accessible to a wider audience. Additionally, efforts focused on engaging local communities—especially in Sabah and Sarawak—for future collaborations and positioning Borneo Perantis as a non-confrontational platform for interdisciplinary discussions on Borneo’s history and cultural identity.

A five-member research team was officially formed in January:
  • Shari Jeffri (Research Team Leader)
  • Avtar Singh
  • Shadelina Shari
  • Gregory Nyangau
  • Christopher Higgs
Through a subscription-based model, the researchers gained access to the digital archive Gale Primary Source, which contains hundreds of thousands of rare scanned colonial documents exclusively from the British National Archive.


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