Events & Competitions

Activating pupils is one of the most important – and sometimes most difficult – challenges any teacher faces. Therefore, Goethe-Institut Malaysia organizes a series of cultural events and competitions designed to help motivating the pupils and to make learning German more fun.
We also offer further training events for German teachers to enhance and broaden their teaching skills.

Students create podcasts

Malaysia for the Ears

Listen up, world! Students from six participating Malaysian secondary schools dived into podcasting and shared their vibrant lives thorugh audio narratives and sounds – All in German of course!

Malaysia für die Ohren banner visual © Goethe-Institut Malaysia © Goethe-Institut Malaysia

Theatre play by students

Vorhang auf!

‘100% Terengganu,’ a theatre production by students from BKD schools SMK Chukai and SMK Tengku Lela Segara. Through dialogues entirely in German, the production delves into what defines a typical person from Terengganu, favorite local places, and many more. 

Group of students creating theatre script ©SMK Chukai ©SMK Tengku Lela Segara ©SMK Chukai ©SMK Tengku Lela Segara

A friend request

Flying pencil case

How can students nowadays look for friends who are also learning German? In the region of Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand, this was done by traditional mail at the beginning of the year.

Flying pencil case © Goethe-Institut Malaysia © Goethe-Institut Malaysia

The Malaysia Edition

EinBlick durchs Schlüsselloch

Malaysian PASCH students from different schools in the country met digitally in film workshops of the project "EinBlick durchs Schlüsselloch - Looking though the key hole" under the direction of the Glocal Films team from London and allowed a private insight in their every day life.

EinBlick durchs Schlüsselloch (Banner) © Irvandy Syafruddin © Irvandy Syafruddin

An accompanying project to the FIFA Women's World Cup 2023™

On the Ball

We sent twenty of our PASCH students from the SMS Sultan Iskandar school to the digital ball project for a fortnight in 2021. ''Auf Ballhöhe'' is a long standing project in Malaysia, and became a regional initiative in 2023.

A colorful poster depicting various soccer players in motion, with a scoreboard. © Goethe-Institut Malaysia © Goethe-Institut Malaysia

Getting to know and love people and their peculiarities


We celebrate diversity in our digital ICH SO DU SO project with students from Australia, Germany, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam. 

Ich So Du So - Banner © von Zubinski / Animation: Groupe Dejour © von Zubinski / Animation: Groupe Dejour

Malaysian stories told in German

Students create animation films

The Berlin team of "Trickmisch - das mobile Sprachlabor" made a digital stopover in Malaysia and organized a film competition. 

Trickmisch © Goethe-Institut Malaysia © Goethe-Institut Malaysia

Students' experience Germany

International Laureate Programme

Every year around 450 outstanding German language secondary school students from more than 90 countries worldwide are selected to take part in the International Laureate Programme. The laureates will be invited to a 4-week stay in Germany.

PAD 2020 Getty Images Getty Images

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