Malaysian stories told in German
Students create animated films

TrickMisch Cover ©Goethe-Institut

The Berlin team of "Trickmisch - das mobile Sprachlabor" made a digital stopover in Malaysia and organized a film competition. 
In this student project, students from 12 Malaysian secondary schools created their own animated films by creating their self-drawn silhouettes and articulated figures, animating them using the stop-trick technique, and then setting their texts to music themselves.

Lets role!

In both form and content, the project drew on old Malaysian traditions. On the one hand, the students illustrated and told the contents of old Malaysian fairy tales. On the other hand, the form of the silhouettes are closely related to the old Malaysian form of storytelling - the shadow theater Wayang Kulit.

SMS Kepala Batas  © ©SMS Kepala Batas  SMS Kepala Batas ©SMS Kepala Batas
Trickmisch Workshop at SMS Kepala Batas

The resulting films are available here as well as on the site. Let's role! 

Kick-off: The first video


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Daniela Wolf
Education Specialist
