Art and Tech Podcast

The Art and Tech Podcast photo (detail) © Getty Images, design & logo @ Jeremiah Ikongio

Art and technology have always been closely intertwined: new inventions, such as the spray can or the synthesizer, provide the raw material for new forms of art to be produced and/or to be presented IRL (‘in real life’) and virtually. 

This podcast series consists of six episodes that aim to examine how this interplay between art and technology shapes Nigeria’s creative landscape.

Each episode will be between 15 and 30 minutes in length and delve into the work and experience of a specific cultural practitioner based in Abuja or Lagos.

Here is a short summary that explains what the podcast-series is all about:

To listen, just click on the link to each episode listed below.

Meet the Host

Oyindamola Fayeke © © Ayo Akinwande Oyindamola Fayeke © Ayo Akinwande
Oyindamola Fakeye is an Experiential Art Curator and a Learning and Participation Producer. Her interests lie in experiential learning, participatory experiences through art and technology and the holistic health implications of art.

She is a board member of the Arts in Medicine Project and is the 2019/2020 Director for the Arts in Medicine fellowship, which trains 100 artists and health professionals annually on a variety of art practices for use in healthcare settings.

Oyinda has worked with the British Council as their West Africa Arts Consultant and the Centre for Contemporary Art Lagos, where she began her curatorial training. In 2009, she co-founded the Video Art Network Lagos (VAN Lagos) a New Media Art organisation focused on providing a platform for learning, international exchange and promotion of Nigerian artists.
