Professional development in Nigeria

The Goethe-Institut Nigeria offers professional development seminars and other events for teachers of German. Every year, Goethe-Institut, often in collaboration with the DAAD and NATOG (Nigerian Association of Teachers of German), holds a training workshop for Nigerian German teachers.

Past events

DLT © © Goethe-Institut Nigeria DLT © Goethe-Institut Nigeria

July 17th to 21st 2023


The Goethe-Institut Nigeria hosted an advanced training for German language teachers titled: “Speaking Skills Development in German Language Classes. Sprechfertigkeit im DaF-Unterricht”. The program, which took place from July 17th to 21st, 2023, was brimming with participants from different parts of Nigeria, including university lecturers, teachers from language schools, owners of private German training centers, young independent German tutors, and Goethe-Institut’s in-house teachers.
This training had a unique dimension and focus:  the benefits of digital tools for German language instruction in Nigeria. In contemporary teaching practices, the virtual intertwines with the traditional world of education, presenting an array of possibilities for both teachers and students. Embracing these digital tools is of paramount importance for German language educators to enhance learning engagement, achieve personalized learning goals, and create access to abundant educational resources via the internet and digital libraries. It also presents the opportunity to expand the real-world application of the German language in the classroom, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical scenarios. It can also foster more cross-cultural collaboration and communication via online platforms and communication tools, while also enabling analytics and data tracking, which allow teachers to assess student progress more effectively, and adjust their strategies accordingly.
Various digital tools were introduced during the training, including Learning OOPS, WhatWall, Speech Notes, Padlet, YouTube, and more. “Many of these tools offer interactive and gamified experiences, making the learning process attractive for students,” shared Stéphane Konlack, the trainer who is based in Cameroon. He noted how easily these digital tools can be accessed, as they are freely available online.
Stéphane Konlack also expressed his surprise at the diversity of the participants, noting that “this diversity allowed for rich exchanges of ideas, making the training dynamic and productive.”
Moses Ayankunle, the Educational Cooperation (BKD) officer at Goethe-Institut, Nigeria, coordinated the organization of this year’s training event. When asked about the relevance of the training, he remarked that communication in isolation without the use of foreign languages, hampers communication with people of different cultures, which has the potential to enhance national development and globalization.
Moses Ayankunle highlighted that the goal of this year's training was also to improve the speaking and digital skills of German language learners.

The basis is that effective communication in the language begins with speaking skills, not memorizing from books.

But also, to ensure Nigerian teachers tap into promising digital products that can bolster their practice.
He underscored that “To enhance the teaching and learning of German in Nigeria, we aim to provide teachers with the latest technologies, advancements, and approaches used globally to teach the language.”
On the first day of training, participants were divided into stations and groups where they had the opportunity to explore and use the new digital tools as if they were students. Afterwards, they engaged in discussions with their colleagues, reflecting on the challenges and benefits of implementing these tools in their own classrooms. After lunch, they experimented with creating exercises and generating QR codes for their students, showcasing their enthusiasm for applying what they have learned.
The following day was focused more on methods and techniques to make classes more interactive for students. While the training session for the last day aimed to provide valuable insights and principles to guide the teachers on how to create an interactive learning environment for their students.
Overall, the feedback from the participants was positive, as they showed eagerness to stay in touch with the Goethe-Institut and continue exploring the tools and techniques discussed during the training. A participant, Sylvester Inakoju, based in Akure, a city in Ondo State, Southwestern Nigeria, mentioned that his expectation at the end of the training was to gain a wealth of new teaching methods and techniques that could be implemented at his centre. He believed that it would improve the quality of German education and help students assimilate the language more effectively. This expectation, he believed, was met.
Chikamso Azubuike from the Stelated Bilateral Educational Consult in Anambra State, in eastern Nigeria, noted that based on the Goethe-Institut's approach to excellent methods of teaching German, particularly for non-native speakers, the current training session was exceptional. She highlighted that she learned how to structure lessons and curriculum to ensure a seamless learning experience for students. “The importance of maintaining the sequence and flow in our curriculum is emphasized to create a solid foundation for language learners,” she added.
Humphery Anyangbe from the Global Languages Institute, in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria, also indicated that these new methods will be shared with co-lecturers at his centre, allowing his team to have valuable discussions about how to improve the collective teaching approach by supporting each other in adopting these new techniques. 
The evening of Thursday, 20th was characterized by a reception with the Deputy Consul General of the German Consulate in Lagos, Mr. Gerald Wolf; Commercial Attaché from the Austrian Embassy in Lagos, Mr. Hannes Scheiner; Consul General of Switzerland & Trade Point Nigeria Head, Mr. Thomas Schneider and the Director of Goethe-Institut Nigeria, Dr. Nadine Siegert. The participants and guests mingled, eager to explore potential job opportunities or visa assistance. It was like a dance of endless language possibilities!
Finally, we would like to draw attention to the quality of the media materials created for this training. They were implemented by Tope Asokere, at the time interning with Goethe-Institut Nigeria. Armed with a creative mind, cameras, and his creative softwares, he enhanced the various sessions with visually appealing graphic designs, pictures and videos, which contributed to the resounding success of the program.
All in all, it was a successful program, with program participants already looking forward to next year's offerings. If you are a German Language teacher looking to participate in future trainings, follow updates from Goethe-Institut Nigeria on their website and across all social media platforms.
Viel Glück!


Moses Ayankunle
Coordinator, Education Cooperation and Partner Schools
Goethe-Institut Lagos
Tel. +234 (0)14549515
