Philip Cassirer

 Philip Cassirer ©    Philip Cassirer

Born on 9 April 1981 in Hamburg, Germany, Philip Cassirer studied illustration and design at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. In addition to ‘How much for a yak?’ (‘Was kostet ein Yak?‘), he has also published an illustrated book ‘Technology for Children’ (‘Technikbuch für Kinder’). Philip Cassirer lives and works in Hamburg.

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For me, the difference between travel photography and travel drawings...
"...lies in the distinctive style of drawings. While I don’t want to deny photographers their right to an individual style, I do believe that people with an untrained eye will find it much easier to recognise an illustrator by his style than a photographer. If chosen with the motive in mind, the style can add emphasis to impressions of places and people. On the other hand, the drawing also alienates the place, which does not necessarily make it easier for the observer to gain an objective impression of a place or of the people portrayed. As an illustrator, one recreates the place from memory, from sketches or even with the help of photographs, whereas the photographer, through his choice of composition, light and other options available, can influence the image at the touch of a button. In other words, there is a vast difference between the process of creating a drawing and that of taking a photograph. Nevertheless, both require you to be able to capture a scene in a way that the observer can experience the moment."

When I am drawing...
"... the time and place are important. I disappear, in a way. And I do it much more when it happens outside my professional work as an illustrator. The work is then free of all constraints and conditions, I experiment more, even when I am only drawing my surroundings."

On my ‘travels’...
"...I have been inspired, above all, by the drawings of Hergé that are captivating in their visual simplicity."

I would really like to travel...
"... to South America and capture as much as I can in my drawings. As a father of two children with one going to school, the time window for extensive travel is somewhat shrinking."

My travel literature on my next trip will include yet again...
"...‘Shantaram’ by Gregory David Roberts. I have already made three attempts to read it but, since my last attempt, I obviously haven't had a vacation that would have been anywhere near long enough for me to finish the book."

... at Graphic Travelogues
