Kinderuni extracurricular im Offline- und Online-Format

Deutsch mit der Kinderuni in der 4./5. Klasse Foto: Syda Productions ©

We also offer the German Children’s Online University as an extracurricular activity program “German with Children’s Online University” for 4th grade students / 4th and 5th grade students, and the materials for each lesson.

About the program

The program prepares younger students for subject matter in the natural sciences in the basic school, and at the same time motivates them to learn German. It creates the conditions for students to use German as a means of broadening their background about the world around them.
Download the program

Participation in the program

We invite schools to include a program of extracurricular activities in their curriculum. In order to get free access to all materials, please fill out the form.


In the 2018-2019 academic year, the program was piloted at 40 schools in 10 regions around the Russian Federation: Moscow, Penza Region, Chelyabinsk Region, Perm Region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Novosibirsk Region, Novgorod Region, Republic of Mordovia, Yaroslavl Region, and Nizhny Novgorod Region.

Distance learning with Children’s Online University

With the help of Children’s Online University you can play, craft, watch movies, and learn German together, even though we are far away from each other. For German teachers who are interested in organizing and conducting remote lessons, we offer a class session scenario on the topic “The Symbol of the Heart” in the format of an online conference.

- Class session scenario (PDF, 316 kB)

- Presentation (PPTX, 1 MB)

- Flipchart (ZIP, 1 MB)

Recommendations for teachers

Download all instructional guidelines in one file in PDF format:
Instructional guidelines (PDF, 515 kB)

Try to conduct a class entirely in German

Support your speech with visual aids

Turn on subtitles

“Catching words” and interactive tasks

Multisensory approach

Motor activities

Working with texts

Creating an atmosphere of freedom

Arranging the furniture

Different modes of interaction

Do not ask for products in German

Difficulties with content

Encourage each student to make progress

Competitions and exhibitions

Flipcharts for the interactive whiteboard

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Aufzeichnungen der Online-Seminare

Einsteins sind nicht geboren

Das Online-Seminar widmet sich dem Potential des extracurricularen Programms „Deutsch mit der Digitalen Kinderuni“ beim Erzielen von persönlichen, meta-fachlichen und fachlichen Ergebnissen von Studierenden.

On other topics

Kinderuni in school

Kinderuni at home

Kinderuni for partners
