Die Anordnung der Möbel im Klassenzimmer

Kinderuni Gummibärchen © Goethe-Institut

To draw a clear distinction between the classroom and extracurricular activities in students’ perceptions, and to avoid routine, we recommend changing the arrangement of tables and chairs in the classroom in keeping with the activities done during classes.

The layout of furniture in the classroom Optimal, if during the class...
Die Anordnung der Möbel
© Goethe-Institut
... the students will conduct experiments in groups of 3 people. A teacher’s demonstration table can be placed in front of the blackboard, or a little to the side, and all the extra tables and chairs can be moved toward the walls. Free space in the middle is necessary for performing tasks that require motor activities, and for action-oriented games.
... the students will draw or craft something. Children will be able to jointly use (give each other upon request) colored pencils, scissors, glue, etc., and help each other if necessary. The teacher’s table is part of one big common table. Unnecessary tables and chairs can be moved to the walls.
Die Anordnung der Möbel © © Goethe-Institut Die Anordnung der Möbel © Goethe-Institut
... the teacher will tell a story, if the students work in pairs, and if the students do not have to write, or have very little to write, then they will be able to do it on the chairs.
