Mental Health - Project R2N - The Rush to Novelty to restore the Normalcy

©Goethe-Institut Pakistan

Workshop series for German teachers

In our effort to support and provide further assistance to all of you in these trying and testing times of the Pandemic,  we would like to offer a virtual workshop series on Zoom on 

"Mental Health - Project R2N - The Rush to Novelty to restore the Normalcy" on four different dates from 4 pm onwards:

1. 29 May, 90 min session - Introduction to challenges, barriers and opportunities

2. 31 July, 60 min session - Learning needs in pandemics

3. 25 Sept., 60 min session - Mental Health Literacy

4. 27 Nov., 75 min session - Resilience in the face of Pandemics

All sessions will be conducted by Dr. Aisha Chachar, a qualified adult and child psychiatrist and we have attached a brief profile of her and a brief outline of the workshops for further information. She has worked with teachers on this topic before and has a long-standing expertise in this particular field. 

Interested teachers should get in touch with us individually as registration is on first-come-first basis and the link will be shared individually. There are limited seats available as we have tried to keep the group small so that maximum output can be achieved.

The registration portal will be open till 30 April 2021, however it will close automatically if the maximum number of participants has been achieved. Therefore we would request all of you to register as soon as possible. 
