Documentary Screening "Colonial Intersections"

Picture of the German-Rwandan filmproject for teenagers
© ABC Bildungs und Tagungszentrum

with Yolanda Gutiérre, Henrike Jaa, Deus Kwizera, Kevin Kabarira

Goethe-Institut Kigali

How did and does colonialism affect identity and social dimensions such as climate change and the environment or mental health? For two weeks, young people from Germany and Rwanda explored these topics on film and are now looking forward to presenting the documentary they made during their time together.
The German-Rwandan youth exchange project organized by ABC Bildungs- und Tagungszentrum and Rwanda Cinema Centre funded by the German-African Youth Organization deals with the intersection of various topics with colonialism. The group will explore what images existed in relation to dealing with the environment and the climate crisis as well as mental health before colonization and how these have changed as a result of colonization. The aim is to understand colonial continuities, acquire historical knowledge and establish links to current problems. In practical film workshops, they learn how to shoot and edit a film and thus process their new knowledge in film.

                          The Program:

Welcome words from the Team/Organizers.

1)  Movie title: „Rwanda's green heart".
     Length: 7min.
     A film by: Florian Schmid, Igikwiye Inès, Imiringa Pacifiquet, Mutamba Yvonne

2)  Movie Title „Reimagining Rwandan Culture“.
     Length: 30 min.
     Credits: Anna Bundt, Paul Minega, Moritz Jahns


3)  Movie title: „Decolonising Conservation"
     Length: 9 min.
     A film by: NSHUTI Dan, Linn Manger & Unice Leim

4)  Movie title: „Why change Me?"
     Length: 5min.
     A film by: Jonah Koch, Kanangire Laurène,Uwamahoro Marie Claire

5)  Movie title: „Colonial shadows”
     Length: 20-40 min.
     A film by: Jean Yves Ntirushwa, Leo Kölsch, Paulina Schmid

At the end of the Film Screenning an Open Q&A with all participants.


Goethe-Institut Kigali

13, Avenue Paul VI/KN 27 Street Kiyovu
P.B. 6889 Kigali