
KinoFest 2023 © Goethe-Institut

KinoFest 2023

KinoFest is the Goethe-Institut's annual festival in Southeast Asia for contemporary German cinema.
The festival will take place from October 25 to November 5, 2023 in Bangkok, Salaya, Hat Yai, Chiang Mai, Phayao, Phitsanulok and Nakhon Ratchasima.

Goethe is(s)t schaf © Goethe-Institut

Goethe is(s)t scharf

Small but powerful: Chilis are breath-taking, tear-jerking, hot as hell–and as indispensable in Southeast Asian cuisine as salt and pepper are in German dishes. That’s why the Goethe-Institut libraries in Southeast Asia now take a closer look at the “harmless plant with the devious little fruit” in its series “Goethe is(s)t scharf”.

Sound of X 2023 © Goethe-Institut

Sound of X: Listen Closely

Sound of X presents video soundscapes from artist around the world who share experiences of the city through its sounds. Now in its last phase, it aims to reconnect viewers to diverse urban and cultural perspectives of 6 video-soundscapes and through the digital, creating a space of renewed perspectives.

A graffiti painting by the Düsseldorf artist Joseph Beuys (1921-1986) with the slogan "Anyone who doesn't want to think flies out" adorns a house wall in Düsseldorf (North Rhine-Westphalia). Photo (detail): Horst Ossinger; © dpa


100 years of Joseph Beuys: Our collection of multimedia experiences brings this artist legend to life

ReThink Urban Spaces – RTUS © Goethe-Institut Thailand

ReThinkUrbanSpaces– RTUS

The EU funded project aims to sustainably facilitate a youth-led approach in rethinking urban spaces in Thailand to create inclusive cities and to promote youth participation in urban development processes.

Papier in Motion © Goethe-Institut Thailand/ Napat Pattarayanond

Paper in Motion

CommDe’s Materials Processes and Drawing presents Paper in Motion, an exhibition of first –year student work that re-imagines abstract art through kinetic mobiles.

SFF 2024 © Goethe-Institut Thailand

Science Film Festival 2024

In 2024, the Science Film Festival takes place internationally from October 01 to December 20. The festival will center on the theme of Net Zero and the Circular Economy, emphasizing the urgent need for actions beyond solely reducing global greenhouse gas emissions to address climate protection effectively.

Goethe liest! © Goethe-Institut Thailand

Goethe liest! (Goethe reads!)

#GoetheLiest (Goethe Reads) is a project that was conceived by the libraries of the Goethe-Institut in the Region SAN (Southeast Asia, Australia, and New Zealand). We present a series of video clips introducing books available in German which will awake local and regional interest. Whether near or far, you can enjoy our witty content from your smart phone screen.

Artistic Lab Hacklab © Eunice Maurice


Nusasonic is a multi-year project that plunges into a broad spectrum of experimental sound and music cultures in Southeast Asia, enabling dialogue within the region, with Europe.

DD Thai Eng © Goethe-Institut Jakarta

Digital Discourses

Large parts of our lives are captured in the data trails we leave online. Who tracks them and how are they monetized? Experts discuss data privacy in the digital realm plus concepts of regulation.  

The title is shown against a blue-white-orange background including the following objects: glasses, an eye and a mouth. Illustration: Tobias Schrank © Goethe-Institut

Kulturama brings international culture into your living room: house concerts live from Buenos Aires, puppet theatre from the kitchen or live acts from the Berlin club scene. Organisers enter their events and open them to international audiences. Spectators can find dates and support artists with donations.

Pazifik-Leipzig_LIA_with_logos © Goethe-Institut

Pazifik - Leipzig

In collaboration with LIA (Leipzig International Art Programme) the Goethe-Institute offers artists from Southeast Asia a three-month residency at the Art and Culture Centre Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei.

Rachel Leah Jones Rachel Leah Jones | © Philippe Bellaiche

Cut it out – Films against Censorship

Renowned Filmmakers from 20 countries around the globe produce films. Each film is 45 seconds long and sends a clear sign of solidarity against censorship.

Parasol, Sevilla Raga Jose Fuste, picture alliance/prisma


Architecture and urbanization characterize the global culture and society of the 21st century like little else. In short video portraits, international architects talk about a building designed and realised by them and retrace how they developed their designs. They keep asking themselves the question: How do we live and work in the future? Our video series ARCHlab shows the answers architects have found to questions like these.

Social Translating

Social Translating

The Merck Social Translating Project is testing a new social practice for literary translation.
Ten translators from Asia are translating a German-language novel into their respective native languages. During the process, they meet in a closed digital forum and work on their translations by interacting with one another and engaging in a close discourse with the author.

Science Film Festival © i Stock

Science Film Festival

is a celebration of science communication in Southeast Asia, South Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America: In cooperation with local partners it promotes science literacy and facilitates awareness of contemporary scientific, technological and environmental issues through international films with accompanying educational activities.