Meng-Ru Yang

Meng Ru Yang © Photo (detail): © Meng Ru Yang Meng Ru Yang Photo (detail): © Meng Ru Yang
Meng-Ru Yang studied Chinese Studies at Soochow University in Taiwan. She then completed her Master’s degree in German Studies, Psychology, and Chinese Studies at Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main.
From 1998 to 2020, she has led the Public Relations department of the National Women’s League in Taipei. She works part-time as an instructor at Hsing Tian Kong Community School, as an instructor for German courses at Fu Jen Catholic University and National Chung Cheng University, and as a theatrical voice on Taiwanese radio stations.

As a freelance translator, Meng-Ru Yang has translated 27 titles from German to Chinese (traditional), including works of fiction and non-fiction. Meng-Ru has also written her own books, including a biography of Goethe, which was published in Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China. Meng-Ru Yang now lives in Taipei.
Meng-Ru Yang about Social Translating

An outstanding project: Having contact with the author and the other translators is very helpful both from an objective and an emotional standpoint.


Selected translations

Thomas Melle: Die Welt im Rücken. Faces Publications, 2019

Hermann Hesse: Ausgewählte Märchen. Business Weekly, 2018

Stefan Kornelius: Angela Merkel. Die Kanzlerin und ihre Welt. Business Weekly Media Group, 2014

Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm: Ausgewählte Märchen. The Commercial Press, 2013

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Die Leiden des jungen Werther. The Commercial Press, 2013

Heiner Müller: Quartett (play). For„Shakespeare's Wild Sisters Group“ (drama group), 2010

Carl Gustav Jung: Grundfragen zur Praxis (Grundwerk, Band 1). Laureate, 2007

Fritz Riemann: Die Grundformen der Angst. The Commercial Press, 2007

Elias Canetti: Die Fackel im Ohr. The Commercial Press, 2004

Konrad und Ulrike Maurer: Alzheimer. Das Leben eines Arztes und die Karriere einer Krankheit. Cheng Chung Book Co, 2002