© Ran Chen, July Yang

The Beijing Park Strolling Project by Chen Ran and July hopes to engage the parks in Beijing to unfold walks in the city, with a method of audio theatre game that integrates online multi-media contents and on-site scenes, so as to invite participants to rediscover and rove into the features of the city.

On the one hand, in terms of their formation and history, the parks in Beijing reflect the city's characteristics distinctive from other cities. On the other hand, “strolling”--a particular kind of “leisure” in parks in Beijing, implies the potential of personal experience and daily practice to create a tension with “grammatisation” (Stiegler).


Beijing Trailer © Ran Chen, July Yang

a video trailer with soundtracks

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Beijing Video Trailer

walks beyond soundtracks

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Beijing City Park Strolling Project
by Chen Ran & July

Voice: Chen Ran, Yan Xinxin, Wu Wen, July, Gao Wei, Wang Ruoxi
Sound design, music: Rydeen Wong
Illustration, graphic design: Hong Wei
Calligraphy: Liu Longsha
Photo: Chang Xiao, Li Xiaocao
Video: Ni Huaxuan
Project manager: Zhao Bingqing
Technical support: FLIT

Dance, theatre: Wang Xuanqi, Kang Tongge, Gu Jiani, Wu Zhangxinan
Architecture: Che Fei, Sun Lina
Game: Lin Yanzhu
Inclusive art: Wang Yiming

Workshop instructor: Wang Xuanqi, Wang Yiming, Lamia, Wang Yunke