German exams


German exams

We offer internationally recognized certification exams at our institutes and at our cooperation centers across the USA.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Cooperation Partners

The German exam can be taken at one of our exam partners situated in your area.

Under "Goethe-Institut Los Angeles" you can find exam dates that are offered at our cooperation centers. For the full list of our cooperation centers, please follow the link here.

Further Information

Spouse immigration

The Goethe-Zertifikat A1 and all other higher level certificates (A2 to C2) provide suitable evidence of the language skills required for permission to be granted to join your husband or wife in Germany.

Test your German

Test how „gut“ your German is: are you just starting out, pretty good or really great? Please note: this is not the official placement test.

Frequently asked questions

We will inform you here about frequently asked questions on the examinations of the Goethe-Institut.

Terms and conditions

To read our detailed General Conditions for our courses and exams, please click here.

Participants with special needs

The testing locations make every effort to accommodate participants with special needs (such as chronic illnesses, visual or hearing impairment). The level and type of chronic illness/disability must be disclosed upon registering for the exam and be confirmed by a doctor’s attestation. The testing location is obligated to maintain strict confidentiality. More detailed information can be obtained directly at the testing location at which you wish to take the exam.

Please inform your exam location at least 4 weeks before your exam date about your requirement for special accommodations. 


If you took our exam and passed it, you can download and print your exam certificate from your online account. 

You can find th instructions on how to download your certificate here:

Your exam certificate and the results are available within 2 weeks after your exam date if you took the exam at a Goethe-Institut. If you took your exam at one of our external examination centers, please allow 6 weeks.

Recognition of Goethe-Zertifikate for university entrance requirement, for German as a foreign language
