CINEMARX: Free Lunch Society

Free Lunch Society © Golden Girls
Free Lunch Society © Golden Girls

Goethe-Institut Washington

CINEMARX: Films about Marx from the GDR to the Present Day

Austria 2017, 95 Min., Director: Christian Tod

Eva Schoefer, Director of the Austrian Cultural Forum and Minister of Cultural Affairs at the Embassy of Austria, will give an introduction to the film.

Universal Basic Income means money for everyone – a human right without trade-offs! A visionary reform project, a neo-liberal axe to the roots of the social state, or a socio-romantic leftist utopia? Free Lunch Society, as the first feature film in the world on the topic of Universal Basic Income, addresses one of the most significant questions of our time.

In creating this detailed film on the subject of Universal Basic Income, the Austrian economist Christian Tod (b. 1977, Linz) has become one of the strongest voices for this major economic reform.


Presented in cooperation with the Austrian Cultural Forum and the DC LaborFest.

This event is part of the CINEMARX film series and part of Marx Now, a series of events in the month of May organized by the Goethe-Institut Washington in partnership with DC LaborFest.


Goethe-Institut Washington

1377 R St. NW, 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20009

Language: German with English subtitles
Price: Free admission

+1 (202) 847-4700