Our Alumni

Since 1972, GAPP has supported more than 400,000 students and teachers to go on exchange trips between the US and Germany. In our 50th year, we launched our Alumni Network to reconnect with all our former exchange students and GAPP coordinators. Here you can read their mesmerizing stories of global friendships, careers with languages and why transatlantic relations are vital for our democracies. 

Alumni - German American Partnership Programm ©GAPP/Daniel Seiffert

Alumni Portraits

Alexa Donne

Alexa Donne is the Edgar Award–nominated author of Pretty Dead Queens,The Ivies, as well as young adult sci-fi romance retellings Brightly Burning andThe Stars We Steal. By day, she lives in Los Angeles and works in television marketing. She is a graduate of GAPP and CBYX student exchange programs. Her newest book The Bitter End will be published this October.

Alexa Donne @Alexa Donne @Alexa Donne

Michael Thompson

German(y) wasn't initially on Michael Thompson's high school radar in Omaha, Nebraska. He studied French, Spanish, and even taught himself Japanese. But it wasn't until his friends at the Omaha North High School hosted German exchange students in 2015, that German suddenly took center stage.

Michael Thompson © privat © privat


Jamila Gilbert

As astronaut 007, Jamila Gilbert was part of the Virgin Galactic crew that took a sub-orbital flight into space. Jamila is the third Virgin Galactic woman to fly to space, and is among the first 100 women astronauts in history. She took German in high school and participated in a GAPP exchange in 2005/06 that led her to Mosbach in Baden-Württemberg and Dresden, Saxony.  

Jamila Gilbert ©Virgin Galactic ©Virgin Galactic


Leo Chu & Achim Schommer

Leo Chu and Achim Schommer have been friends since their GAPP exchange in 1988. We talked to Leo and Achim about their GAPP experience and their close friendship despite living on different continents and what keeps their friendship alive after almost 35 years. 

Leo & Achim ©GAPP/Leo Chu ©GAPP/Leo Chu


Miles Johnson

To say Miles Johnson has a gift for languages would be an understatement. The young engineer speaks multiple languages. We sat down with him and talked about trust in teenagers, eating habits and why keeping an open mind can only be of personal advantage.

Miles Johnson - Alumni Portraits - German American Partnership Programm © Goethe Institut New York © Goethe Institut New York


Katerina Shinbori

Katerina Shinbori was only 16 years old when she decided to embark on her first GAPP exchange to Germany. She had never left the U.S. before. Katerina made close friends, performed a silly dance routine for laughing spectators, and developed an instant fascination with world travel. 

Katerina Shinbori - German American Partnership Program © Goethe Institut New York © Goethe Institut New York


Daniel Villanueva

In the 1980‘s, Daniel Villanueva took off to his first trip abroad. The GAPP program sparked a life-long passion in international travel and intercultural exchange. He visited Germany’s most famous fairy tale castle, was “captured” in East Berlin and discovered an unexpected modern lifestyle.

Daniel Villanueva - Alumni Portraits - German American Partnership Programm © Goethe Institut New York © Goethe Institut New York


Anna Patton

In 2006, while Germany celebrated the FIFA World Cup, Anna Patton embarked on her first independent travel experience. We sat down with her and talked about flags, responsibilities, and the benefits of expending your personal boundaries.

Anna Patton - Alumni Portraits - German American Partnership Programm © Goethe Institut New York © Goethe Institut New York


Salim Fayeq

Germans are usually not famous for being overly outgoing. However, quite the contrary can be the case. Salim Fayeq shares his viewpoints on German personality and the power of language from his exchange experience in 2015.

Salim Fayeq - Alumni Portraits - German American Partnership Programm © Goethe Institut New York © Goethe Institut New York


Joe Martinez

In 1985, Joe Martinez was a high school sophomore just beginning to learn German when he decided to fly across the world for his first GAPP exchange. During his travels to Germany he explored both sides of the Berlin Wall, licked radioactive salt, and met an interesting and diverse group of students and teachers. 

Joe Martinez - Alumni Portraits - German American Partnership Programm © Goethe Institut New York © Goethe Institut New York


Lynn Wood

When Lynn Wood settled down in rural Minnesota, she told her children stories about one of her favorite countries to visit: Germany. When her daughters signed up to participate in a GAPP exchange, the Wood family volunteered their home to host German students. 

Lynn Wood and family - German American Partnership Program © Goethe Institut New York © Goethe Institut New York


Mary Beth Schmitz

Mary Beth Schmitz might not have been a GAPP student herself, but if there was a person to represent the fundamental impact a GAPP exchange might have, it would probably be her. We sat down with her and talked about life changing encounters, cowboy hats, and the benefits of a “second home”.

Mary Beth Schmitz - Alumni Portraits - German American Partnership Programm © Goethe Institut New York © Goethe Institut New York

Cynthia Kosicky

Traveling all the way from Old Bridge High School in Matawan, New Jersey, to Duisburg in the western part of Germany, Cynthia excitedly described her trip as a mixture of magical, beautiful, and life-changing. We sat down with her to ask her a couple of questions about her exchange experience.

Cynthia Kosicky © Goethe-Institut New York © Goethe-Institut New York

Jay Morgan

In 2009, Jay Morgan traveled to Germany for the first time in his life. During his GAPP exchange in Berlin, Jay encountered an upbeat polka band, found familiarity in a foreign context and sensed a true feeling of freedom.

Jay Morgan © Goethe-Institut New York © Goethe-Institut New York

GAPP Coordinator

Amy Calhoun

Currently in her 11th year of teaching in Topeka, Kansas, Amy Calhoun helps coordinate an exchange program for her students to visit different parts of Germany. We sat down with her to discuss what it’s like to lead students in a foreign country.

Amy Calhoun German American Partnership Program © Goethe Institut New York © Goethe Institut New York

Danny Eickemeyer

In the spring of 1995, Danny Eickemeyer boarded a plane for the first time and set off for a four-week GAPP stay in the USA. Despite his initial nervousness, his American host family welcomed him with open arms.

Danny Eickemeyer © Goethe-Institut New York © Goethe-Institut New York

Laindra Schuler

Having spent most of her life in Michigan, Laindra Schuler was a bit apprehensive before her first international trip to Germany. From confusing shower facilities, to men swilling beer as they broke world records, Laindra overcame her anxiety to enjoy everything GAPP had to offer.

Laindra Schuler © Goethe-Institut New York © Goethe-Institut New York

Jackson Howenstine

Jackson Howenstine says that taking part in GAPP was one of the most important decisions of his life. After spending several weeks on an exchange, he decided to attend school abroad in Germany for a semester. Today, he assists with GAPP exchanges so more students can get the same once-in-a-lifetime experience he did.

Jackson Howenstine © Goethe-Institut New York © Goethe-Institut New York

Brita Schmitz & Anahita Keiller

Working together as coordinators in New Jersey, Brita Schmitz and Anahita Keiller have helped countless students thrive during their time in Germany. We sat down with them to ask a couple of questions about the coordinator side of GAPP and how much the program impacts their students’ lives.

Brita Schmitz and Anahita Keiller © Goethe-Institut New York © Goethe-Institut New York

Cassie Shelton

Currently in her 13th year at Mountain View High School in Meridian, Idaho, Cassie has personally taken over 120 students to Germany through exchange programs. Cassie says that GAPP shaped her future, and with her daughters recently completing their exchanges, her family has a multi-generational connection to the program. 

Cassie Shelton © Goethe-Institut New York © Goethe-Institut New York

Alumni Portrait Videos

Tarek Hemberger © GAPP © GAPP

Dirk Leinenbach © GAPP © GAPP

David Tarsha © GAPP © GAPP

Julian Hoffmann © GAPP © GAPP

Jan Gerstenberger © GAPP © GAPP

Patricia Vallely © GAPP © GAPP

Lexie Lucksinger © GAPP © GAPP


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