Registration Form



Keynote Speech by Sophie Salvo, Ph.D. (University of Chicago) on the topic: Heterosexual Nouns: The Masculinist Dreams of Nineteenth-Centrury Linguistics

Workshop by Dr. Claire Scott (Vanderbilt University) on the topic: Gendergerechtigkeit und sexuelle Vielfalt im Klassenzimmer: Warum? Und Wie?

You can find the complete description of the workshop here.

Thank you for your interest!

The seminar will be held in-person at the Goethe-Institut Chicago, from Friday, December 9th, 5:30 PM to Saturday, December 10th, 3:00 PM.

Deadline for registration is Sunday, November 27th, 2022. As there are only a limited number of spots available, we kindly ask for a meaningful registration.

The DAAD will cover the following costs:

  • Seminar costs
  • Accommodation in single rooms for 1 night (2 nights if necessary)
  • Dinner on Friday, breakfast, lunch, drinks and snacks on Saturday
  • Seminar materials
  • Travel allowance (up to a maximum of $250, receipts required)

Please also include city/state

e.g. Lecturer, Teaching Assistant, Assistant Professor etc.

Areas of specialization in teaching, level of the courses you offer.

From which you are traveling. If you are not flying, please indicate how you will travel to Chicago (e.g., train or car).

In particular, please address the following questions: What is your own experience with this topic? To what extent is gender sensitivity already considered in your classroom? Which topics in the context of gender and sexuality do you find particularly important for your teaching context? What would you like to take away from the workshop?

* required
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