22.10. - 31.12.2021
Workshops on the topic of "Health"

HAN SFF 2021 © Goethe-Institut Hanoi
HAN 26.11.2021 WORKSHOP "BE SAFE AT SCHOOL" © Goethe-Institut Hanoi


26.11.2021, 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Registration for workshop
"School is considered one of the safest places, but is that really a place that makes us feel safest? From the dangers of violence, of being bullied, of body shaming to latent threats such as academic pressure, classroom hygiene, toxic relationships,etc. – everything can potentially turn a seemingly safe haven to a perilous place for children and teenagers. The solution to maintaining this safe zone ought to start from the students, then from parents and the school. SFF invites you to think with us through our screening ""Be Safe at School"" and post screening discussion with an expert who has had years of experience working together with students, parents, and teachers."

Film screenings

22 What Body is This? Taina and Caua - Body Shaming
08 First Aid at School - Seizure
36 Youth & Corona
