22.10. - 31.12.2021
Workshops on the topic of "Health"

HAN SFF 2021 © Goethe-Institut Hanoi
HAN 12.11.2021 WORKSHOP STORIES FOOD TELLS © Goethe-Institut Hanoi


12.11.2021, 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Registration for workshop
"Common ingredients like sugar, egg, butter, dairy, etc. arrive at our table in different manners, with different backstories. In the time of COVID, more than ever, we recognize the importance of food. How to plan a healthy diet, to make a meal from readily available ingredients from our fridge, to give away food to where it’s needed – all showcase the valuable lessons we've learned from science and from Mother Earth. The culinary experience shall prove even more thrilling through the screening presented by SFF plus cooking tips from a real life professional culinarian as well as from science, a great chef itself."

Film screenings

13 GUB Explorer Channel - Make Your Own Butter
09 Food for Thought
30 Three spoons of sugar
10 GUB Explorer Channel - Building with Peas
11 GUB Explorer Channel - Experiment with Eggs
39 Eat, Grow, Love

