There was something...

Da war mal was by Flix
Foto (Zuschnitt) © Carlsen

Da war mal was by  Flix
© Carlsen
What does a generation remember that lived in a divided Germany for almost as long as in a reunited one? Award-winning comic book author Flix asked himself and his friends this question and foremd the answers to a comic book. It is a panopticon of very personal memories of living in the GDR or FRG, in democracy and dictatorship. Multi-layered, amusing, touching – the stories have one thing in common: they are authentic and make history understandable.

Flix (* 1976, Münster) lives in Berlin and works as a freelance illustrator and comic artist. His books have won multiple awards.
About the Novel
Publishing year 2014
Publishing house Carlsen Verlag Hamburg 
Pages 96 
ISBN 978-3-5517-9189-4
Signature 741.5 Fli
Link to the OPAC* https://hanoi.bibliothek.goethe.de/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=11713&shelfbrowse_itemnumber=4880#holdings
Trial reading https://www.carlsen.de/sites/default/files/sonstiges/pressemappe_flix-da-war-mal-was_carlsen.pdf
* OPAC: Online Public Access Catalogue of the Goethe-Institut Hanoi  
