Exhibition Adrian Sauer – Light and Dark Stars

HAN Ausst 20.4-20.5.2023 © Goethe-Institut Hanoi

Thu, 20.04.2023 -
Sat, 20.05.2023

University of Fine Arts 42 Yet Kieu, Hanoi

Adrian Sauer is an artist from Leipzig, who in the last 20 years has been involved with and paid attention to developments in the medium of photography. His work deals with the changes and consequences of digitalization in photography. Sauer critically engages with whether Photography can still be seen as a reliable and unbiased image of reality. In the exhibition „Light and Dark Stars “, which is part of Photo Hanoi 2023, Adrian Sauers Work can be seen in the University of Fine Arts of Vietnam.

Adrian Sauer is aware of the technical and mathematical prerequisites for the photography we find beautiful and appealing. For him, artistic self-questioning and the questioning of the material always go hand in hand.

In works such as “256 Graustufen“(2020) Adrian Sauer lets the smallest digital image unit, the pixel, become almost expansive and to be experienced sensually, while in “Ziegel“ (2021) his Interest for the functions and properties of digital images meets with the oldest specially produced building material. He shows depictions of reality but defamiliarizes them in a way that is often confusing to the viewer. Is this photograph real? Or is it a digital Render that he came up with?

The photographed Stars from different viewpoints and in different light settings in the series “Light and Dark Stars“ (2017) also almost seem like powerful, perfect digitally produced shapes. In contrast to this, Palast der Republik (1993) shows a very real, energetically charged in-between-moment of world history and alternative culture in front of the by now demolished Palast der Republik in Berlin.

