A new cultural fund for Afghanistan

Since the Taliban’s takeover in 2021, the cultural landscape in Afghanistan has faced severe challenges due to a worsening human rights situation. Over 40 years of war and displacement have left deep scars on the country. Afghans, particularly those involved in the cultural scene, are suffering enormously, with many driven into exile. Those who remain in the country live in constant danger and face severe restrictions on their artistic expression.

The Afghanistan Cultural Fund aims to support Afghan cultural workers, especially women. By establishing a sustainable structure under Afghan leadership, the foundation intends to address the cultural scene’s need for financial support, capacity building, networking, and community building.
The fund provides assistance to Afghan artists both within the country and in the diaspora, enabling them to continue their creative work, protect cultural heritage, and preserve artistic expressions despite all adversities.


Our vision for the Afghanistan Cultural Fund is to preserve and cultivate Afghan arts and culture. We see artists not only as agents of tradition but also as agents of change, promoting social unity and progress. Art serves not just as a creative outlet but also as a medium to initiate and support a collective process of peace and reconciliation. By building networks and creating opportunities, we aim to establish a cultural ecosystem where creativity and social cohesion can flourish.


The Afghanistan Cultural Fund will provide sustainable, transparent funding and capacity-building for Afghan artists and cultural practitioners, particularly women, in Afghanistan and the diaspora. The fund brings together various sources of support and establishes a transparent grant system overseen by independent jurors. Our mission is to streamline support for artists, acknowledging logistical challenges. We commit to adaptability, continuously reassessing strategies to meet evolving needs.


  1. Facilitate artistic projects that address the needs of Afghan, particularly female, cultural practitioners
  2. Encourage artistic initiatives aimed at young and emerging Afghan artists; providing space for critical self-reflection and addressing exclusions within the Afghan art scene
  3. Promote innovative projects for the protection and preservation of Afghan cultural heritage, including alternative artistic expressions and the preservation of linguistic and cultural diversity.
  4. Advance projects for collaboration and networking within the Afghan art scene, with international partners, and for the exchange of cultural knowledge and skills between generations
  5. Empower projects that strengthen the role of Afghan cultural workers as agents of cultural and social change and advocates for their rights

About us

Currently, the Afghanistan Cultural Fund (ACF) is being established with the help of seed capital from the Open Society Foundations (OSF). A dedicated project team at the Goethe-Institute is shaping this initial phase and managing the financial resources to ensure the successful establishment of the ACF as an independent entity.

The ACF’s work is founded on the findings of an extensive feasibility study (Lapis) commissioned by the OSF. This long-term study was analysed to guide the direction of the ACF and provides insights into the Afghan art scene.

Building upon these findings and taking now into account the dramatic changes of the cultural landscape in the last years, the project team has conducted focus groups in three major cities – London, Berlin, and Paris – to gather first-hand feedback from members of the Afghan diaspora. Additionally, consultations have been held in India, in Pakistan, the USA, and Canada, further broadening the understanding of the diverse perspectives and needs of the Afghan artistic community.


To ensure that the ACF’s work reflects a wide range of voices and experiences directly from the Afghan community and their stakeholders, the project team will invite individuals to join an advisory board. This board, primarily composed of Afghan experts in art, culture, media, and business, will collaborate with the project team to develop strategic and operational guidelines for the initial phase of the ACF.

The composition of the advisory board will soon be announced on the ACF website. Working closely with the project team at the Goethe-Institut, the board will develop the first initiatives and measures for the fund. Additionally, it will play a crucial role in guiding the future establishment and long-term development of the ACF as an independent entity.