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Chapter 12LINGO Kids-Mit-Mach-magazine issue 9: New Year's Eve

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© Eduversum GmbH, Wiesbaden

The nineth issue of the Lingo Kids magazine series offers children learning German the opportunity to celebrate the New Year with Lingo.

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© Eduversum GmbH, Wiesbaden

Part of the series LINGO Mit-Mach-Magazin

16 materials


Every year we celebrate the turn of the year. In this issue of Lingo Kids Mit Mach magazine, children learning German get to know more about the customs of New Year's Eve. This time, they make an Advent calendar and Lingo explains where traditional Christmas decorations come from. The children also learn what animals do in winter.

The learning objectives are:
  • to learn facts about New Year's Eve
  • to build and expand relevant vocabulary
  • to acquire cultural and geographic knowledge
  • to conduct an experiment
Are you interested in ordering the current magazine for your class? Please send an e-mail to:

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