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Tiny Books – Big Stories

Tiny Books – Big Stories, 2023

Equal opportunities, diversity, body positivity, and freedom are essential topics for children to learn about. Tiny Books are small picture books created by international writers and illustrators that help children understand these topics in a fun and engaging way.

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Tiny Books – Big Stories, 2023


Tiny Books are miniature picture books created by ten writers and illustrators from Lithuania, Estonia, France, and Germany. Children can download the books for free, print them out, and fold them into their own little books. These books are suitable for children aged 6-10 years and are available in Estonian, Lithuanian, French, English, German, and Ukrainian languages.

The collection of pocketbooks is accompanied by educational material that can also be downloaded for free.

Tiny Books - Big Stories

​​​​​​​The books were created as part of the "Tiny Books - Big Stories" project by the Goethe-Instituts in Estonia and Lithuania in cooperation with the Institut Français in Estonia, the Estonian Children's Literature Centre and the Lithuanian reading promotion initiative "Vaikų Žemė", funded by the Franco-German Cultural Fund.

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