Maschall Ander

Maschall Ander
© Maschall Ander

Kunsthaus ACUD

Maschall Ander
© Maschall Ander
The German-Afghan singer Maschall Ander began her musical career at the age of 8. Since her childhood, she has been very interested in music and was inspired by famous performances by Afghan and Indian artists. She received singing lessons among others from the Indian composer and sitarist Gaurav Mazumdar and the vocalist and dancer Jyotika Paust. Maschall sings songs in the five languages Paschto, Dari, Urdu, Hindi and Punjabi. She gives concerts throughout Europe and performs at special events.


Maschall Ander (Vocals) 
Ramin Saqizada (Rubab) 
Feraydoon Meyazada (Tabla) 
Farshad Ahmadi (Keyboard) 


Kunsthaus ACUD

Veteranenstraße 21
10119 Berlin

Price: free entrance

Part of series Festival Goethe-Institut in Exile Afghanistan