Shirley Ogolla

Shirley Ogolla © unknown Shirley Ogolla is passionate about escaping the academic ivory tower by translating her academic work into interactive art installations for the broader public with her art collective no:topia. As a researcher at the Humboldt Institute of Internet & Society in Berlin she investigates the implications of AI on knowledge work from a social science perspective.

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My favourite AI in culture project at the moment is… Joy Adowaa Buolamwini’s work in the Algorithmic Justice League and as a Poet of Code.
By 2030 I would like to have an AI app which… makes academic research accessible to readers with any knowledge background, for example by explaining academic terms individually adapted for the readers knowledge level. 
My worst AI nightmare is… self-driving cars running over jaywalkers, because the built-in AI can’t recognize pedestrians that deviate in their appearance from abled cisgender white males (= the software engineers that built the technology and used biased datasets).
The future of AI needs… diversity and inclusion! The full range of human diversity with respect to ability, race, sexual orientation, gender, social class and other forms of human difference needs to have a seat at the table when AI is being designed.

Shirley Ogolla's contribution: “It’s about human bias, amplified by technology”: In conversation with Shirley Ogolla