Marnie Benney
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My favourite AI in culture project at the moment is… Lynn Hershman Leeson’s Shadow Stalker. This is a timely, relevant piece that was created before the 2020 police brutality protests began. Her work explores privacy violations and racial profiling to reflect just how much organizations have been able to mine personal information – and how damaging that can be to us as individuals, and to a larger extent, as societies.
By 2030 I would like to have an AI app which… helps me organize my research, contacts, and thoughts – so I can be more free to think.
My worst AI nightmare is… that the inequalities and human rights violations occurring in our world today will be codified, scaled up and amplified through AI systems.
The future of AI needs… a more diverse group of creatives, artists and thinkers working to understand AI and its long-term implications on humanity.
Marnie Benney's contribution: How artists are hacking bias in algorithms