"Bird Drone" is an animated short film that delves into unrequited love through a unique narrative: a lonely seagull falls in love with a human-operated drone, incapable of returning its affections due to its mechanical nature and limited battery life. This poignant tale is a labor of love, meticulously crafted over three years, blending 2D and 3D animation to reflect the stark contrast between the organic bird and the artificial drone. The story, devoid of dialogue, thrives on animation's ability to express complex human emotions through non-human protagonists. Inspired by the creator's admiration for Studio Ghibli and Pixar, and a memorable visit to Pixar Animation Studios, "Bird Drone" is both a personal and artistic homage to animated storytelling. It explores themes of love, technology's impact on nature, and the authenticity of human interactions.

  • ประเภท หนังสั้นและแอนนิเมชั้น

  • ผู้กำกับ Radheya Jang Jegatheva
  • ผลิตโดย Hannah Ngo
  • เวลา 9 นาที
  • ประเทศ ออสเตรเลีย
  • ปี 2022
