Fachspezifischer Sprachtest für medizinisches Personal

Goethe-Test PRO Pflege

International nursing staff must demonstrate language skills at the advanced B2 level in order to work in Germany. The Goethe-Test PRO Pfege tests not only general language use, but also professional language.
This means that you, as a clinic, hospital, care facility or recruitment agency, can release your staff into their daily work well equipped. The Goethe-Test PRO Pflege is recognised by the German Foreign Office as a B2 language certificate.

  • Professional language exam
  • Part-digitally conducted
  • Recognised by the BAMF
  • Recognised by the German Foreign Office

Our examination at a glance

  • Four examination sections (listening, reading, writing, speaking)
  • Professional language orientation
  • Conducting the reading and writing parts digitally
  • Procedure: Booking of the exam only possible for groups, date and time by arrangement.


Innovative and partial digital

In the digital examination section, the Goethe-Test PRO Pflege determines the individual language level in the skills reading and listening in 60 to 90 minutes. The productive parts test writing and speaking at B2 level. Typical professional situations of nursing and geriatric care are dealt with.

The digital part of the exam ...

  • tests general and professional German language skills.
  • determines the individual language level in the skills reading and listening.
  • etermines the language level of the participants with the help of an adaptive test.
➜ In this part, a language level from A1 to C2 can be achieved. However, level B2 is required to pass the exam.

The on-site part of the exam ...

  • tests the skill of writing using reports and messages in a nursing context (75 min). 
  • tests speaking skills using simulated conversations between nurse and patient and a simulated patient handover (15 min + preparation time).
➜ Here the level B2 is assessed.


The examination demonstrates the following skills:

Gespräche führen

Conduct conversations

Conducting patient interviews, presenting case reports and answering related questions.


Comprehending contents

Comprehending relevant types of texts with professional language and subject-specific content.

Texte schreiben

Writing texts

Writing reports and messages appropriate to the nursing context.

How to reach us

Do you want straight facts about the language competence of your employees? Then contact us directly! We will provide you with a non-binding offer.

The Goethe-Test PRO Pflege demonstrates subject-specific language skills at the advanced language level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
In the first part of the test a result between A1 and C2 is possible. In order to pass the overall examination, however, at least language level B2 must be achieved.

Get in touch with us. We will be happy to make you an individual offer for your company.

Before starting work, nursing staff must prove that they have German language skills at level B2. The Goethe-Test PRO Pflege is ideally suited for this purpose, as it tests in particular subject-specific language skills.

Institutions such as clinics, hospitals or nursing homes can individually request group appointments for their staff to take the test.

Yes, the Goethe-Test PRO Pflege is listed as a B2 language certificate by the following official bodies:

- Federal Foreign Office: Visa Handbook
- Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
- Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy: Guidelines for Care Institutions
- Federal Government portal for skilled workers abroad: Make it in Germany


Practice materials

You can find practice materials for the listening, reading, writing and speaking sections here to help you prepare for the Goethe-Test PRO Pflege.

» View the practice materials

Further information

Further information on the Goethe-Test PRO Pflege are available here:

» Further information