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Experience romanticism and science in Heidelberg

  • Heidelberg Photo: iStock
  • Altstadt Photo: Thomas Koy
  • Auf der Neckarwiese Photo: Thomas Koy

Heidelberg, idyllically situated on the Neckar River, attracts many students and numerous tourists. 150,000 people live in the city, whose landmark, Heidelberg Castle, stands on the lower northern slope of the Königstuhl. The castle ruins of the Renaissance building are considered to be the "most romantic ruin in Germany". Hölderlin, Brentano and even Johann Wolfgang von Goethe found inspiration for great works here.

Heidelberg is one of the most famous university cities in the world. The Heidelberg Ruprecht-Karls-University was founded in 1386, making it the oldest university in present-day Germany. It is known throughout Germany for the high quality of its medical studies. The university was named an elite university in the Excellence Initiative. It has approximately 30,000 students, but scientists from all over the world are attracted by its excellent reputation, as well. Together with the University Hospital, it is the largest employer in the city. The focus of Heidelberg's numerous research institutions is in the field of medical biotechnology. The German Cancer Research Center is one of the best institutions for cancer research worldwide.


Heidelberg also has a cultural focus to offer. There are numerous concerts of different styles, festivals, cabaret events, readings, lectures, dance and theater performances. The Heidelberg Castle Ruins are the setting for the Heidelberg Castle Festival, an open-air theater festival. Three times each  summer, the castle is illuminated with fireworks. The castle ruins also house the German Pharmacy Museum, where pharmacy furnishings from the Baroque and Biedermeier periods are on display. In total, there are about 20 museums, art collections and exhibition halls. The history of the city and region comes alive in the Kurpfälzisches Museum of the City of Heidelberg, which is located in Palais Morass, a baroque building in the Old Town. The Old Bridge is another landmark of the city. It was first mentioned in a document in 1284. In its present form, it was built in 1788. According to a 2010 nationwide location ranking, Heidelberg is one of the most creative cities in Germany. This is particularly true in the fields of literature, architecture and design.


In the narrow alleys of the Old Town, there are countless cafés, bars and restaurants in addition to many completely preserved baroque buildings. Most students spend the summer between lectures in the courtyard of the Marstall building. This is where the cafeteria is located. The Philosophenweg (Philosophers path) offers the best view of the historical center with the steeples of the Heiliggeistkirche, the Jesuitenkirche and the Peterskirche as well as of the Neckar and the castle. The Theodor-Heuss-Bridge leads out of the Old Town and into nature: The Neckar meadow is the largest green area within the city and a popular meeting place for barbecues, sports or just relaxing in the sun. More nature and culture can be found on excursions to the German Wine Route, the Roman settlement of Ladenburg, the Odenwald, the Königsstuhl or a trip through the Neckar Valley in the footsteps of Mark Twain.

Ann, 33 course participant from the US Photo: Goethe-Institut Frankfurt

I used to find learning German really difficult and I tried lots of different things. But on the language course at the Goethe-Institut, I suddenly started making rapid progress.

Ann, 33 course participant from the US

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