Short biography of
Mulu Worku

Mulu Worku
Mulu Worku Yimer completed a Master's degree in Comparative Law at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn.

She taught German as a foreign language at the Goethe-Institut Ethiopia from 2005 to 2018.
Mulu Worku Yimer translated many famous German fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, as well as texts by Werner Hediuczek, Joseph Haltrich, August Stöber and Gustav Weil and others from German into Amharic for the Goethe-Institut in Ethiopia.

For the Kafka Year 2024, she produced the translations for the bilingual book "Franz Kafka: Ausgewählte Kurzprosa | ፍራንስ ካፍካ፣ የተመረጡ አጫጭር ድርሰቶች" published by the Goethe-Institut.

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