Art & Culture

From Caligari to Hitler
From Caligari to Hitler | © LOOKS Filmproduktionen

How is the documenta, one of the most important events in modern art, organised? Why were the movies of the Weimar Republic the best in the world? And how did the German hip hop scene rise? This category puts important German-speaking documentaries together. They focus on artists, cultural phenomena and the reception of art.


Art’s Home is my Kassel
(>> VErsion with English subtitles)

Bertolt Brecht – Bild und Modell


Das große  Museum
(>>VErsion with English subtitles)

Harlan – Im Schatten von Jud Süß

Journey to Jah
(>> VErsion with English subtitles)

Max Bill – Das absolute Augenmaß

Schatzkammer Berlin

Von Caligari zu Hitler
(>> Version with English subtitles)

Was heißt hier Ende?
(>> Version with English subtitles)

Wenn der Vorhang fällt

Wer hat Angst vor Sibylle Berg
(>> Version with English subtitles)
