Volker Weidermann

Foto (Ausschnitt): dpa

(born: 06.11.1969 in Darmstadt), Literary Critic, TV Host

Volker Weidermann studied Politics and German Literature in Heidelberg and Berlin. He worked as a literary critic and editor for well-known media outlets. From 2015 to 2019 he also hosted the German TV series about literature called Das literarische Quartett. His books deal with literary history, as a portrait of historical periods, or in the form of biographies of important authors. His debut work Lichtjahre: Eine kurze Geschichte der deutschen Literatur von 1945 bis heute was published in 2006 and won the Kurt Tucholsky Prize. His first novel Summer Before the Dark: Stefan Zweig and Joseph Roth, Ostend, 1936 was published in 2014.

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