
 Copyright: Caroline Lessire

The aim of the FREIRAUM (Free Space) project is to assess the state of freedom in Europe’s cities. What are the issues that come up when residents, sociologists and creative artists think about the concept of “freedom” in very local terms?

Freiraum Carlisle - our film

How can we understand isolation and how can we overcome it?

Carlisle is one of 38 cities taking part in the project “Freiraum”. During a one-day workshop, organised and moderated by the local organisation “Awaz Cumbria”, citizens of Carlisle and surrounding areas identified problems relevant to their own city which challenge the concept of freedom. They came up with following key challenges: a high number of people with no qualifications and a low-income; many young people claiming out of work benefits; a considerable percentage of child poverty; and a 60 to 40 divide between Brexit supporters and Remain voters.

The key question of “ How can we understand isolation and how can we overcome it?” was worked out and is expressed in the following short film.

Freiraum Thessaloniki - the film from our partner


Can a new media exhibition on the subject of European identity become an area of freedom?

Thessaloniki sees the concept of freedom as being central to European identity, while stressing that freedom is never static: it has to be continually regained and re-forged qua self-empowerment. Thessaloniki asks whether we are not far more capable nowadays than in the past of sharing our experiences with others, through the new media – and whether the  media do not mark the free space that urgently needs to be captured.

Impressions of: The New New - 3rd Artecitya Art Science Technology Festival
  • Installation Shot Freiraum - Voyeur’s Reality, 2018 © George Kogias

    Voyeur’s Reality, 2018, Thomas Koch Installation with sound, video and virtual reality. VR application Bastian Orthmann

  • VR application Bastian Orthmann Freiraum © George Kogias

    Voyeur’s Reality, 2018, Thomas Koch Installation with sound, video and virtual reality. VR application Bastian Orthmann

  • Sound work by Evi Karathanasopoulou © George Kogias

    Air Free, 2018, Evi Karathanasopoulou, Sound work

