You tell me

You tell me © © MissingFILMs You tell me © MissingFILMs

Director: Michael Fetter Nathansky | Actors: Christina Große, Marc Ben Puch, Gisa Flake, Hendrik Arnst| Year:  2019 | FSK: 12 | Duration: 104 Min.

Moni has been living in Spain for 20 years and has hardly any contact with her younger sister Silke. This changes when a stranger pushes Silke from a bridge into the Havel river. The police assume that it was a drunk who accidentally shoved her and quickly close the case. But Moni does not believe in an accident and returns to her hometown to track down the culprit. Silke, who has been disappointed by her big sister for years, doesn't really want Moni in her life anymore and eventually tracks down the perpetrator herself: René leads a normal life, comes from a good home and has many friends. His sudden outburst of violence remains incomprehensible to him - he begins to lose himself in search of answers. The closer the fates of the three people come together, the more the roles of perpetrator, victim and protector become intertwined.
  You tell me  

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