Susannah Porsz

I fell in love with German when I first learned it at school and it was this love that then made me want to go on to study German and French Joint Honours at UCL, graduating in 2004. I then qualified as a teacher of German and French ten years ago, was first promoted to Head of German and I am now the International Baccalaureate (IB) Coordinator in my current school, the Anglo European School, Essex.

We teach eight languages in total at the Anglo European School through a varied curriculum with each student taking two languages in Key Stage 4 and then having the choice of A level German or IB Standard or Higher Level German in the Sixth Form. I enjoy teaching a wide variety of students and firmly believe that all students can learn a language. As part of my degree, I spent six months living in Vienna and I am very excited to be leading a Citizenship and History visit to the city this summer for the first time and I take a group of Sixth Form students to Frankfurt each spring to complete work experience through our long-standing partner school. I love mentoring and coaching other teachers and I am very excited to start work as a GEM and to help other schools to increase uptake of or to introduce German.