The Digital Kinderuniversity

The Goethe-Institut's Digital Kinderuniversity offers 150 videolectures in 30 languages, bringing fun to exploring nature, medicine, and technology while sparking a passion for learning German. Ever wondered how gummy bears are made? Or why fireflies glow? Perhaps you're curious about the inner workings of a 3D printer? Through interactive lectures, the Digital Kinderuniversity presents captivating explanations of everyday phenomena in an engaging and interesting manner.

Die digitale Kinderuni

What is the Kinderuni?

The Goethe-Institut's Kinderuniversity is an educational project, free of charge, primarily designed for children between the ages of 8 and 12. This program presents a playful and engaging approach to introduce children to various science topics and the German language. Prior knowledge of German is not required

Learning and Teaching Materials

For each topic, children can independently work on tasks provided on the platform. Furthermore, teachers will find valuable suggestions on incorporating the lectures and supplementary materials into their classroom activities.

Kids experimenting. © Goethe-Institut / Anton Golochapov

Who can use the Kinderuni?

Learning together

Logo: GIMAGINE project

Projekt Partner

The Digital Kinderuniversity is being supported by the following media partners.

  • WDR-Logo
  • Deutsche Welle