Surname First Name E-mail Adresse Do you already know some German? Yes No Are you currently studying at the Goethe-Institut? Yes No If yes, what level was your last course? Please select A1 A2 B1/B2 C1/C2 Please provide us with a brief description about your community project Supporting Information NB: The total size of all uploaded files may not exceed 20 MB. Please upload a more detailed project description if you have one, plus supporting information such as photographs or posters. Please keep file names short and avoid spaces and special characters in the file name. Videos cannot be uploaded through this form but must be uploaded separately. Please see below. Video Link Do you have a video of your project, or files which cannot be uploaded due to the form's data limit? Please upload these to WeTransfer and insert the link in the field above. * required When you send us the information contained in the contact form by clicking on the button below, you declare your consent for us to use your personal data for purposes of answering your enquiry and/or contacting you. You can revoke your consent by sending an e-mail message to If you revoke your consent, your data will be erased immediately. Otherwise, your data will be erased after we have processed your enquiry or if the purpose of storing it no longer exists. Privacy Policy Send