Digital Health Workshops with Initiative für Junge Forscherinnen und Forscher in Würzburg

Digital Health Workshops with Initiative für Junge Forscherinnen und Forscher in Würzburg
©Initiative für Junge Forscherinnen und Forscher Würzburg

The Goethe-Institut in London has very happily offered exciting workshops to learners of German on modern health technologies, creative problem solving skills and methods, by giving young learners of German the unique chance to work with their peers in a team effort to tackle most relevant problem our modern society is facing.

This is why we have teamed up with the IJF in Germany to offer two courses student teams of two to four across the UK.

The two courses were running from February 16 to February 19 2021 for a maximum number of 30 students each, were hosted by the superb team at IJF and supported by the Goethe-Institut in London.The workshops have been delivered in a digital format by using the Zoom conferencing tool.

Further information on the workshops can be found here:

We hope that the participating students had as much fun with this state-of-the-art concept and methodology connecting German and STEM as the team from Initiative für Junge Forscherinnen und Forscher in Würzburg and the Goethe-Institut in London.
