PASCH alumni meeting in Belgrade in September 2019

PASCH alumni students © © Goethe-Institut PASCH alumni meeting © Goethe-Institut
PASCH alumni from all over Europe came together at the beginning of September 2019 in Belgrade to first of all get to know each other but also to start working on the different goals of the PASCH alumni network in general and in Europe in particular.

This included drafting the blueprints for the alumni ambassadorship that will be provided in different modules for interested PASCH alumni. Further, the alumni came together in smaller teams to discuss and plan projects at the respective former PASCH schools in their home countries and also regions, for instance Northwestern Europe. It is also planned to have multinational teams installed who will work transnationally on future PASCH projects.

It was an extremely fruitful meeting for everyone involved and we sincerely hope this will further enhance the PASCH alumni network and strengthen the ties between the participants in order to draft great projects for future PASCH students – and alumni as well!


Simone Pfliegel
Co-ordinator in Northwestern Europe for Schools: Partners for the Future
Tel. +44 20 75964013
